Lai Meiyun Profile and Facts

LaiMeiYun(赖美云, also known as XiaoQi小七) is a Chinese singer and actress. Although she made the first debut as a member of S.I.N.G女团 at 2015, she got popular after participating in Produce 101 China and joining Rocket Girls 101 as 6th ranked member.

She’s well-known for cute appearance but her appealing vocal and good sense of humor makes her one of the most beloved female idols in China Mainland. 

Name: Lai Meiyun / Sunny Lai

Chinese Name (Simplified & Traditional): 赖美云 (Lai Meiyun)
Nicknames: Xiao Qi 小七 (From her birthday)
Nationality: Chinese

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 7, 1998
Place Of Birth: Shenzhen, Guangdong

Blood Type: B

Zodiac Sign: Cander

Chinese Zodiac Sign: 巨蟹座

Height: 153 cm

Weight: 39 kg 

Occupation: Chinese Idol, Singer and Actress

Agency: LaiMeiYun Studio under Qigu Culture
Affiliated Acts: Rocket Girls 101, S.I.N.G女团

Official Social Media Accounts

Weibo: 赖美云
Studio Weibo: 赖美云官方工作室
Oasis: 赖美云
Douyin: 赖美云=3333

Fandom Facts

Name of fandom/fans: Small Breads 小面包
Official fandom color – : Sunny Orange #FF7700Weibo
Official Fanclub account: 赖美云官方后援会 (LaiMeiYun Official Fanclub)


  • LaiMeiYun won the Gold Prize at Riga World Choir Games 2014 as a member of Shenzhen Senior Highschool Lily Children’s Choir
  • Before joining S.I.N.G, she applied for auditions for SNH48 for 3 times but couldn’t make it.
  • As one of the best trainees of S.I.N.G, LaiMeiYun was awarded 3 weeks long training in R.B.W, Korea before debut. 
  • LaiMeiYun is a big fan of HuaChenYu. When she performed in The Coming One S2 EP5 as a guest, HuaChenYu sang 《齐天》 only for her.
  • LaiMeiYun is also famous as an Otaku idol even doing cosplay. She cosplayed as Kikyo(from Inuyasha) at Super Novae Games 2019 and an elf at 2020.
  • LaiMeiYun has 3 cats – “豆包”(DouBao) at her home in Shenzhen and “桥豆”(QiaoDou) and “麻袋”(MaDai) in Beijing. QiaoDou and Madai were named after Japanese “ちょっと待って” (Wait a moment)
  • LaiMeiYun and DuanAoJuan was the only combo who had all 4 performances in 创造101(Produce 101 China) together.
  • Although LaiMeiYun’s official height is 153cm, she often claims she’s 250cm tall. Her wish for 20th birthday was getting taller.
  • LaiMeiYun is very good at mimicking others. She had an imitating show in CZ101

Album (Solo)

2021《出发,地平线!》(Go, Wonderland!)
1《告别,钢铁森林 (INTRO)》Youtube
2《太阳洒在海洋的方向》(Sun Shines On The Way To Sea)Youtube(MV)
3《过滤镜》(Real Me)Youtube(Lyrics)Youtube(MV)
4《冬空下》(After Winter)Youtube (Lyrics)Youtube (MV)
5《恋与四季》(Love & Seasons)Youtube (Lyrics)Youtube (MV)
6《对流层》(Trosophere)Youtube (MV)
7《深海,梦境,岛屿 (INTERLUDE)》Youtube
8《出发,地平线!》(Go, Wonderland)Youtube (MV)
9《雨中语》(Listening To The Rain)Youtube (MV)
10《仲夏幻想谱》(In Between Dreams)Youtube
12《世界与你有关》(I Will Be With You)Youtube


2019《不渺小》(Not Small)The first solo singleQQ MusicYoutube
2020《女孩与王冠》(A Girl And Her Crown)The solo debut singleQQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2020《小小》 A cover of Joey Yung’s (2006)QQ MusicYoutube
2020《所谓少年》From 《颐和风华》 the collaboration album between Kugou Music and Summer PalaceQQ MusicYoutube
2020《鸟与世界的小孩》QQ MusicYoutube
2021《萱草花》A cover of the theme song of the film 《你好李焕英》(Hi! Mom)QQ MusicYoutube

OST and Promotion Songs

2019《福气拱拱来》A promo song of the animated film 《熊出没· 原始时代 》(Boonie Bears : Blast into the Past)As a unit (with MengMeiQi, WuXuanYi and DuanAoJuan)QQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2019《Never Stand Still》A promo song of drama 《极限17》As a unit (with YangChaoYue and XuMengJie)
2020《脉冲星》(Pulsar)A promo song of KuGou Music’s 酷狗音乐人星曜 Project QQ MusicYoutube
2020《脉冲星》(Yocho Remix)(Pulsar Yocho Remix)The theme song of 《叩响明天》(Tomorrow Calls) Project.Remix version of previous single.QQ MusicYoutube
2020《等等》(Wait)An OST song of a TV show 《忘不了餐厅 第2季》(Forget Me Not Cafe Season 2)QQ MusicYoutube
2020《每一次》 (Everytime)The concept theme song for the animation 狐妖小红娘(Fox Sprit Matchmaker)’s 金晨曦(Jinchenxi) ChapterQQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2020《野生姑娘》Wild GirlThe theme song of drama 《通灵妃》 Season 2QQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2020《田字格》The theme song of drama 《最美逆行者》‘s  幸福社区(Happy Society)  chapterQQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2020《无涯》The ending song of drama 《师爷请自重》(Love is All) Duet with ZhaoLei (of R1SE)163.comYoutube (MV)
2020《夜之光》 The Light Of The NightThe ending song of drama 《青春创世纪》(Something Just Like This)163.comYoutube
2020《如翡》An OST song for the drama 《有翡》QQ MusicYoutube
2021《可爱暴击》Really Really CuteA promo song for the mobile game 《天谕》163.comYoutube(MV)
2021《执卦》 An OST song for drama 《我就是这般女子》QQ MusicYoutube
2021《心里的角落》(The Corner Of My Heart)The theme song for the film 《我的第二故乡》QQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2021《寻找四叶草》The ending song of drama 《乌鸦小姐与蜥蜴先生》 Duet with Zheng Renyu (of S.K.Y)QQ MusicYoutube
2021《铁血丹心》The theme song of the film 《射雕英雄传之降龙十八掌》Duet with Richie JenQQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2021《明月几时》The theme song of mobile game 《决战平安京》’s new skin with same nameYoutube
2021《寻常梦》The character song of 谢怜 and 三郞 in  《天官赐福》 the animation Season 1 QQ Music
2021《心的舞步》The theme song of animation 《精灵梦叶罗丽X冰莲花》Youtube
2021《星梦之路》The theme song of radio drama 《星梦偶像计划》QQ MusicYoutube


2018《101个愿望》(101 Wishes)As an unit (with YangChaoYue and FuJing)QQ MusicYoutube (MV)
2019《花都开好了》A cover of S.H.E’s (2002)As a unit (with ZiNing and LiZiTing)163.comYoutube

Movie Appearances

TBA《花千骨》(The Journey Of Flower)

Drama Appearances

2019《极限17:羽你同行》(Project17  : Side By Side)小羽(XiaoYu, a cameo)EP6 CutsEP7 CutsEP8 Cuts
2021《我的女主别太萌》(My Queen)江萌萌(Jiang MengMeng, the female lead)WeTV

Variety Show Appearances

2018-07-06《奔跑吧2》EP13With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Performance
2018-08-17《明日之子 第二季》EP8With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Performance
2018-11-01 ~22《超新星全运会》EP1~4FinaleWith the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)
2018-12-22野生厨房 S1(Wild Kitchen) S1EP9As a guestWith SunneeCuts
2019-01-13 ~ 03-03《横冲直撞20岁》(YOLO 20’s)EP1~8With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Youtube
2019-05-07 ~ 14《篮球大唱片》(Slam Feat)EP1~2With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Cuts
2019-06-08《非常静距离》EP20190608As a guest with YangChaoYue and DuanAoJuanYoutube
2019-06-30《天天向上》EP20190630As a guest with Yamy, ZiNing and LiZiTingYoutube
2019-07-02 ~ 07-23《超级企鹅联盟 Super 3 星头场》EP1~4As a regular guest.(Team Manager) with SunneeCuts1Cuts2
2019-07-20《明日之子第三季》(The Coming One S3)EP5As a guest mentor with Yamy and SunneeDemoLesson
2019-10-12 ~ 28《超新星全运会2019》(Super Novae Games 2019)EP1~4FinaleWith the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)
2019-12-10《仅三天可见》(Only 3 Days)EP5With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Cuts
2019-12-26《美食告白记 第3季》EP9As the main guest with ZhangChuHan (Bunny Zhang)Youtube
2019-12-29《天天向上》EP20191229As a guest.Performed 《不渺小》Youtube
2020-02-28《鹅宅好时光》EP20With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Youtube
2020-03-15 ~ 06-21《横冲直撞20岁  第2季》(YOLO 20’s S2)EP1~8With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)Youtube
2020-06-12 ~ 07-23《炙热的我们》(We Are Blazing)EP3~8With the whole group (Rocket Girls 101)PlaylistPerformances
2020-07-17 ~ 08-17《超新星运动会S3》(Super Novae Games 2020)EP1~4FinaleAs a participant (Women’s Archery and Women’s Wushu)Youtube
2020-08-14《元气满满的哥哥》(The Irresitible)EP3As a guestYoutube
2020-10-02《街头音浪 第一季》(Sing Along The Way Season 1)EP6As a guestYoutube
2020-11-28 ~ 12-05《美好的时光》(Wonderful Time)EP9EP10As a guest《远走高飞》《等等》
2021-03-06《天赐的声音2》(The Treasured Voice S2)EP11As a participant. Duet With Pax CongoYoutube
2021-04-25~06-13《还有诗和远方2》EP1~8(Whole Season)As one of the regular hosts《回望》《送别》
2021-07-10《听说很好吃》EP1As a guest (along with ZiNing and XuMengJie)Performance
2021-08-07《最美中轴线》EP6As a guestPerformance

Gala Appearances 

2020-10-05《2020唱响新时代》《青春跃起来》 with XuMengJie and ZhangXianZiPerformance
As a member of a choir
2020-12-11《湖南卫视1212超拼夜》《好汉歌》 and  《走四方》
As a team with FengTiMo and 2 others
2021-01-23TMEA《鸟与世界的小孩》 as solo
《光芒》 as a trio with SunRui and DaiMeng of SNH48
2021-02-05《家族年年年夜Fan》《无羁》 and 《创造101》 as a member of ex-Rocket Girls (with WuXuanYi, Yamy, Sunnee, LiZiTing and XuMengJie)无羁
2021-02-21《2021百花迎春文联晚会》《坚信爱会赢》 as a member of a choirPerformance
2021-06-09《半夏的纪念》《恋与四季》 (Love and Seasons)Performance
2021-06-16《616天猫开心夜》《专属合约》 duet with ChenLiNongPerformance
2021-06-17《快乐嗨翻天2021》《过滤镜》(Real Me)Performance



2018谷粒多SpokespeopleAs an unit of Rocket Girls(along with MengMeiQi, Yamy, ZhangZiNing and DuanAoJuan)Video
2018OPPO(R17 Pro)As an unit of Rocket Girls(along with XuMengJie)Video
2018Glico(Pocky)As an unit of Rocket Girls(along with Sunnee and XuMengJie)Video1
2018Tencent Games(火影忍者OL-忍者新世代)“The Captain of Ninja Chaser”Video1Video2
2019《我的英雄学院:入学季》(My Hero Academia Mobile Game)An ambassadorWeiboVideo
2020EVM SkincareSpokespersonWeiboVideo
2020Hisense TV E5SpokespersonWeiboVideo
2020Flower Knows 花知晓Spokesperson for Asia-Pacific regionWeiboVideo1Video2
2020DicosAmbassador(with ZhaiXiaoWen of R1SE)WeiboVideo
2021《天谕》 Mobile Game“Energy Adventurer”A promotion song with MVWeiboVideoMV
2021Flower Knows 花知晓Spokesperson for Asia-Pacific regionVideo
2021Hisense Communication TV SpokespersonWeibo


2018Tiffany & Co.(Paper Flowers)As an unit of Rocket Girls(along with Yamy and FuJing)Video
2019Netease Games《轩辕剑龙舞云山》A fan meeting as the opening ceremonyTeaserEvent
2020Vivo S6Livestream with DuanAoJuanVideo1Video2
2020Bb LaboratoriesOpening ceremony for Shanghai branchVideo
2021Real Me GT NeoLivestreamVideo
Summer Palace Event With DuanAoJuanVideo

Latest MV

This profile is made by (@XiaoQi101) on Twitter whom you can also follow for more XiaoQi’s updates!
  Please do not repost the information on this site without proper credit or permission from its authors.

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